King Solomon, the wisest, richest man who ever lived, documented his timeless management secrets in the Book of Proverbs, providing guidance on
• strategy and leadership
• conflict management and teamwork
• self-improvement and communication
• hiring and firing
• rewards and recognition
• sales and marketing
• purchasing and finance
The Proverbs Management Handbook explores Solomon’s management advice through the lens of modern management theories. Whether you’re managing a household, volunteers, church staff, a small business, or even a multi-national corporation, Proverbs’ inspired advice can help you do it better.
An exceptional read! A must-read for all who are in management.
Archie Lohr,
President of Lohr Builders Ltd.
Thoughtful, engaging book. Guderian takes the more general advice King Solomon offers in Proverbs and drills down to specific passages applicable to the various aspects of a manager's role, from human resources to finance to leadership, as he or she works to build what Guderian calls a "righteous" company culture. The author reads the scripture well, frequently drawing on theologians for insight, but the book's real strength is in Guderian's frank, honest personal anecdotes about what has obviously been a long and eventful time in business. There are some real gems of insight here. Highly recommended.
Matthew Wilson
John has written a wonderful book for managers on the importance of Proverbs' wisdom along with twenty-first century application . . . every manager must put it on their reading list!
Richard Magnussen
Magnussen Group
Very readable. Quick pace. Good, practical advice with real-life examples interwoven into the narrative. Excellent integration of the Proverbs with current management practice
Doug Given
P. Eng., M.B.A.
A well-written book that shows how Christian values should be applied to manage according to Biblical principles. Every person who manages a business or an organization should read this book.
Ernst Friedel, Past-President
German Canadian Business
& Professional Association of Waterloo Region
A company, like a person, will be blessed if it follows God’s advice. This book demonstrates how to effectively apply God’s wisdom to the real business world.
Guoming Yan,
Production Coordinator
An enjoyable reading experience with the added bonus of divinely inspired and proven advice to apply in one's life...the author's lucid & succinct prose quickly engages the reader from the first page.
Through his insightful method of coupling Biblical quotations with examples from his own business background, Mr. Guderian consistently succeeds in conveying the importance of his message: that integrity, dignity & common sense are just as crucial to righteously living now as they were during ancient times.
Andrew Kobus, CPIM
American Production and Inventory Control Society
Certified in Production and Inventory Management